Montessori Crosswords - Teach and Learn Spelling with Fun Puzzles for Children App Recensioni

Doesn't open

Can't give more stars because there is nothing to see. Downloaded this app because we have loved other apps by this developer. This app doesn't even open when we click on open or on the icon after installing it. We would love for the spelling apps we love from this developer that work on iphone and ipad to be made available for imac as well.

Not working as promised.

In level 1— There is a simple word with about three letters. There are blanks where the letters go. The app is SUPPOSED to sound out the missing letter when the square is clicked on. Well it doesn’t and it’s not my computer because when i click on one of the alphabet letters the app sounds it out. My volume is working…this app is not. Also happens on other levels. I emailed the support email of the app and they have not helped.

Crashing all the time...

Great app, and has been really fun for my daughter to use while learning to spell. However, after not having used it in some time, we just started using it again. It now crashes all the time. I deleted and reinstalled it, but it only works for a few minutes before crashing. Is this a Mountain Lion issue?

Excellent Concept

The concept seems fairly solid. The vowels are colored differently from the consonants and the letters say their sounds and not their name. It is also alot of fun. I do wish for more parental controls. The fireworks/animations are indefinite. It would be good to have the reward on a timer. I would also like the option to toggle off the ability to simply reveal the answer. The ultimate would be being able to add your own word list.

A very good app for helping along young spellers

My 5 y.o. loves this. She was struggling to spell and read and keep up with her classwork. But she loves this app and can go for over 30 minutes on it completely absorbed and the results have been outstanding. Could use some graphic upgrades to earn a 5 star but it is still a very well designed app,

From a Montessori parent

All of my children attend Montessori school, but they have yet to see this app. I wanted to play around with it first and so far I agree with the other reviewers and think that some of the pronounciations are off. For example, the 'i' and the 'e' both make the same sound in this app, which is incorrect. The 'e' should sound like the the 'e' sound in 'egg' and the 'i' should sound like the 'i' in the word 'insect'. I'm hoping that there will be an update to correct this. For now, I will explain the mistake to my children, but for $3 I was hoping for a bit more accuracy from an app that is calling itself MONTESSORI. However, overall I am thankful for this company to be releasing Montessori apps using the moveable alphabet and other Montessori materials found in a Montessori classroom. :)

Great educationally, needs a couple of practical improvements

I would definitely recommend this app for it's educational value. My daughter is 3 and has been playing for two days and is already on Level 3 (multiple and complicated words). I wish it had more levels, but that alone was definitely worth the $3. However, it needs the following features: 1. "Hit" spots need to be expanded. It can be difficult to get the mouse to go riiiiight over the right spot to hit the square where the letter should be, causing the letter to fall back down. This can be frustrating if they know they have the right letter and just can't get it to "stick." 2. The letter sounds are wrong/inadequate. This is confusing and requires almost constant parental intervention to "correct" the sounds. It needs to either not have the sounds at all, or give all the different sounds a letter can make. Other than that, this is a fantastic game and my daughter really likes playing it when she's not incredibly frustrated at it's practical problems. If these minor problems are fixed in an update, I will happily change my review to 5 stars. As it stands, the game is fantastic concept, but a few minor details make the execution enough that the game is a bit difficult to play.

Nice App that could use some Improvement

My daughter (she is three and a half years old) enjoys this game. Particularly nice is the animation of flowing stars, etc upon completing a game. There are two areas that could use some attention. When one chooses a letter, a spoken voice provides the pronunciation of the letter sound. This is a very helpful aid, but the voice only gives one pronunciation, say of the letter "E", when there are always at least two-the short and long pronunciations of the sound. The voice's pronunciation also does not always conform to the sound of the letter in a word, which is confusing. It would be an improvment if the vocal pronunciation at least conformed to the sound required in the particular word that is open. The other thing that is more difficult than it needs to be is the mouse placement of letters. A simple drag and drop of the letter into the square would be a lot easier than having to click the mouse button twice, once when the letter is selected, and again, when it is dropped into the square. Good work otherwise.

Fun program

My 6 yo daughter loves this program and uses it to test her spelling. I like that there is the option of not having to click and drag, but i wish it would remember the last setting. My daughter is old enough to click and drag and i would like her to practice mouse use. I used to be able to let her navigate this program even if I was busy and now I wonder if I should change the setting, etc. Just another layer to think about that I did not have to before. Overall, good program and I highly recommend it!

A great iPhone app now available for the Mac!

My daughter loves the iPad version of Montessori Crosswords, so I had to buy it for the Mac. Now she can play it on the big screen! All the original features are here. This game is very educational and so easy to pick up and play. I love the "reward" screens in between levels that let you interact and "draw" with ever-changing colorful shapes. The moveable alphabet is also a fun free-form activity especially for the younger siblings. A+

Great Game

I've had the iPhone and iPad version of crosswords installed for a while. Both are great educational games. The Mac version still needs a few minor tweaks to be as good as the originals but it's a great learning tool.

Needs some decent makeover..

1) Gaudy colors.. 2) The Icons need some makeover, can you guys put some better pictures icons in there please ? (Example: the LEG looks like someone's bone) 3) Seriously overall some nice graphic designer would help plus better and pleasing audio Bit dissapointed with this version..


It is really a good game but the regular mouse icon with the color black is too small and not funny for the kids >>> something like the icon mouse in angry bird big pointing finger is better ... thank you if possible please change the mouse icon in next update than i ll give it 5 stars....

Needs Bug Fix

Cute little game... However, each time my daughter makes a mistake, the program quits unexpectedly and she has to re-start it. Not a huge deal, except she's not learning to correct her mistakes.

Screen issues and movable alphabet link is not working

Not sure what is going on here, but MOVABLE ALPHABET is not working at all. Plus - the top of the screen is cut-off. I was looking forward to using the movable aphabet first, prior to the crossword puzzles. please fix or explain.


My 1st grader is really into it, and it's a good challenge for her. I think it's a great game for new readers and would have gladly paid for it. Best educational game for kids I've found on the App store so far. Download it now!

Not working

Really want this to work, but the top of the screen is cut off on this program. Please fix as this looks to be a fun program.

Great learning tool!!

Just downloaded this for my six year old son who is in kindergarten. He really enjoyed it and I love that when you click on the letters you hear the sound they make. The graphics after you finish the word correctly are interactive and super entertaining. Can't wait to see his progress. I am so glad to find something educational that keeps my very active boys attention.

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